3rd Ave Kite - 3rdavekite.com

Foster City Levee Improvements Project

Project Info & Map

Construction Updates

  Baywinds Levee Project

Foster City Council Meetings

New Updated Map

New Updated Lower map

4/21/2021 Zoom Meeting Levee Update 5-6:30pm

3/15/2021 Meeting ( Baywinds @3:27:20, kiters talk @3:48:30 - 4:54:50 )
3/11/2021 Meeting ( 34:45 - 44 )

2/6/2021 Meeting (Levee looks like)

1/21/2021 Meeting ( 1:03:50 -1:08 )

PSA #4 #5
regarding 2021 Annual Boardsailing Safety Conference and Beach Clean-up on Sat April 10 at 10AM, Baywinds Park (3rd Ave Parking Lot), Foster City, CA
FB live Video
3/20/2021 PSA #3
Recreational Water Use Information
• The City, the Levee Improvements Project team, and the contractor have been working together to provide accommodations for recreational water users' access from Baywinds Park during construction.
• The contractor has indicated they do not anticipate performing major work in the Baywinds Park area for this season, through 2021. Some minor work will occur, and those areas will be fenced off to the public.
• Through end of 2021, access to the bay will remain available for recreational water users launching and returning to the park and the beach area (near Lakeside Dr.) only.
• There will be no shoreline access beyond the beach to the San Mateo Bridge, and no special shoreline return/exit points (except for emergencies) as this section will remain an active construction area. Because of this it is crucial that recreational water users return to Baywinds Park or the beach when exiting the water. This is an important safety measure. It is the request of the construction teams to encourage all new or beginning boardsailors to not enter the water if they cannot be certain they will be able to exit at those identified access points only.
• Please keep in mind that after end of year 2021 the contractor will need to complete significant trail, access points to the Bay, and wall work in the area, which will require further access restrictions. The contractor will provide 30- day notice prior to that work taking place.
• The City, Projects Team, contractors, and emergency responders are continuing to work closely with the Baywinds User Group's Leadership Team on current and future construction scheduling and safety plans.
• To view the Trail Closures and Beach Access Maps, please visit the Recreational Water Use Information page on the project website: https://fostercitylevee.org/recreational-water-use.../
• The FC Levee Project website page is listed below to view the latest community updates: https://fostercitylevee.org/foster-city-launches.../

***Also note the "Subscribe" link in upper right of the webpage. Just click and sign up to receive updates direct from the City.

This is the 3rd PSA of many updates that will continue to be posted at 3rd Ave Kiteboarding. Please encourage everyone to continue to check back for the most current status. Other media, groups, and emails may also be used.

Thanks to the entire community for your patience and support!

Baywinds User Group's Leadership Team

3/12/2021 PSA #2

• Concern among the Boardsailing Community's ability to safely access Baywinds Park during the levee construction has been heard. Yes, at this particular moment, we are to remain with access at Baywinds Park.
• There may however be some closures, albeit temporary closures or closures for the duration of the levee construction, that may include some portions of Baywinds Park, due to environmental requirements/timing of construction allowances on the ramps and due to differing interpretations of the permits. This may or may not have a direct impact on the Boardsailing Community.
• The Baywinds User Group's Leadership Team (formerly called "Tiger Team") is actively working on these items to ensure the safety and access of the Boardsailing Community.
• Please keep an eye out for any future City Council Meetings and City Community Updates on the City's Calendar where attendance and/or participation may be recommended. We will update you as soon as we have any further factual information.

If you have specific concerns/questions, please reach out to the representative for your sport:
Kiting: Mandi Browning - mandibrowning71@gmail.com
Windsurfing: Owain Chilton - owain.chilton@gmail.com
Winging: Anthony Del Balso - anthony.delbalso@gmail.com
Windsurf foiling: James Van - vansurfsports@gmail.com
Kayaking: Vineet Buch - vineet.buch@gmail.com

This is the 2nd PSA of many updates that will continue to be posted at 3rd Ave Kiteboarding. Please encourage everyone to continue to check back for the most current status. Other media, groups, and emails may also be used.

Thanks to the entire community for your patience and support!

Best regards,

Baywinds User Group's Leadership Team

2/22/2021 PSA #1
Greetings fellow Boardsailors!

This PSA is regarding the upcoming construction for the Levee Improvement Project in Foster City, CA., and it will be important for each of you to be educated on.

Please see the below information and be on the lookout for future updates from your community advocates as we continue to partner with you.

3rd Ave (Baywinds) Boardsailing Community: Potential impacts on 3rd Ave users as a result of the Foster City Levee Project (21 Feb 2021)

In a desire for our community to speak and lobby as a unified body, a small (10 member) working group ("Tiger Team") was created that spans 3rd Ave Boardsailing (kiting, windsurfing, winging, windsurf foiling) and Kayaking groups with Mandi Browning, Steve Gunn and Mark Tischler acting as our interface with the City, Project Design Engineer, and Contractors.

What We Know:
1) Ingress/egress by all boardsailors around Baywinds will be maintained during our "prime wind season" March-Oct/Nov
2) The Bay Trail from approximately the north end of the lower launch rigging area ("lower kite beach") and around Baywinds to the start of the Mariner's parking lot will remain open except for short intervals when there is construction in this area
3) The Baywinds parking lot will remain open during the entire Levee Project. However, dirt road (Caltrans right of Way) will be closed starting in May 2021

What we are working on:
1) Maintaining ingress/egress by all boardsailors around Baywinds and bay trail access during our "off season" Oct/Nov-March
2) There will be significant work at the windsurfing ramp launch at the tanks. We are involved in the redesign to ensure it will remain windsurfing friendly
3) Maintain safe access from the rigging area at the point and from Mariner's Island Golf Range parking lot to the upper launch
4) Create a safe Emergency egress at Inktomi (last chance beach) in order to get the user and equipment safely out of the construction zone
5) Create a safe egress at Shell Beach at Marlin Ave on Beach Park Blvd. for outriggers/kayakers and their equipment through the construction zone
6) Scheduling Spring Safety Conference: Develop communication plan to receive updates on the construction project and to keep the boardsailing community informed with notice of construction activities, safety information/flyers/posters with tides, emergency numbers, safety recommendation

If you have specific concerns/questions, please reach out to the representative for your sport:
Kiting: Mandi Browning - mandibrowning71@gmail.com
Windsurfing: Owain Chilton - owain.chilton@gmail.com
Winging: Anthony Del Balso - anthony.delbalso@gmail.com
Windsurf foiling: James Van - vansurfsports@gmail.com
Kayaking: Vineet Buch - vineet.buch@gmail.com

This is the first many updates that will continue to be posted at 3rd Ave Kiteboarding. Please encourage everyone to continue to check back for the most current status. Other media, groups, and emails may also be used.

The Tiger Team is working hard to advocate your needs by meeting regularly to review concerns and communicate with the Foster City Levee project leadership. We have been very pleased to date with the receptibility to our concerns and to ensure access during the 3yr construction period.

Thanks to the entire community for your patience and support!

3rd Ave Tiger Team

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